Monday, December 7, 2009

What makes a good help-wanted ad?

Block 1 – what makes a good ad:

- Expressive, clear voice
- Eye contact
- Make the job sound appealing (like you’d want the job)
- Benefits/ bonuses/ extra’s
- Color, visual aids, pictures
- Serious, confident message
- informative

Block 2 – what makes a good ad:

- artistic, pictures, visual aids, color
- music / jingle (in moderation)
- sing-a-long
- make the job sound interesting
- clear voice / enunciate / not monotone
- persuasive
- stay on topic / focused
- expressive, fun tone of voice
- unique, strange, interesting-sounding voice
- repetition
- animation

Block 3 – what makes a good ad:

- persuasive (convince people to apply)
- details about the job responsibilities
- fun/ flashy/ eye- and ear- catching
- highlight/ emphasize the good parts
- interesting
- colors/ pictures
- humor
- celebrity endorsements (whose job is similar to your organelle’s?)
- $ salary, benefits
- unique, interesting voice
- sounds, music (moderate), catchy jingles
- slogans, sing-a-long

Block 4 – what makes a good ad:

- music (in moderation)
- colors
- good statistics about the job requirements
- humor
- catch phrase/ slogan/ punchline
- pictures
- salary/ benefits
- singing/ jingles

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